Recently, I traveled to Los Angeles – and then on to the hills of Malibu– to join up in an annual in-person retreat of professional peers, mentors, accountability partners, and close friends – for a couple of days of big ideas, mind stretching possibilities, and success planning for our future.

[You do have, yourself, at least one of these groups, right?]

While we were there, one of these friends – the amazing Chris Cummins [find him here] – shot a short, handheld phone video of me (and others) simply walking around the amazing retreat property.  It was nothing more than a quick idea, appreciating one extraordinary sunset, our location, and our friendships above all – and, of course, Chris’ unique and creative talents in seeing and capturing that moment.

After returning home, I spent a little more time myself, and using some basic (but amazing) tools available today to us all (primarily Apple iMovie software and royalty free music), I created the short video attached here. I offer it to you – for your review, and amusement!

We won’t win any cinematic awards here, of course, and I’m not sure that there is a lasting point in this, other than this: I am reminded, yet again, of just how important it is to surround myself with professional peers who are talented, creative, action-focused, giving, and selfless – and who push to me think and act bigger, better, and best.

And so, then, this: what would your iMovie say?

Interested in learning more? Let’s connect, have a chat, and explore a little – your own path into the Fast Future ahead: foundations, acceleration, and transformation. Book your discovery call here.

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