One thousand plus executives.

Over the last twenty years, I’ve worked – as a business consultant and strategic adviser – with more than a thousand top executives (CEOs, Presidents, Partners, Owners, Managing Principals). A hundred or so of these leaders have become clients for an extended term. A couple of dozen have become close friends.

“On a 1 to 5 scale – I give John a six!” (President, Engineering Firm)

Along the way I’ve found something strikingly similar in nearly all of these people: they’re often quite alone.

There are, of course, many benefits to being in charge: autonomy, authority, power, reward. Still, it’s not all great, and the role of leader often comes too with pressure, risk, frustration, anxiety, overwhelm, and exhaustion. 

At the very top, it’s hard to see and understand the truth. Candor and conflict are suppressed. Real conversations are avoided. Trust suffers.

Few professional firm CEOs (engineers, architects, scientists, planners) have had formal training as full-time managers and leaders; their chief qualification for the job is usually real success as a professional – in project work. Indecision, insecurity, and imposter syndrome are common. Many have a real need for a sounding board, and validation of their choices and actions – through peer conversations, competitor analysis, and performance benchmarking. Strategic advisors (like us) can play an important role here as well.

In our view, what most of these executive and principal leaders often need – is a little time, space, and decompression. Some reflecting, thinking, and planning. Some “Me Time.”


Near the end of each year, I set aside a day or two for myself – to get away and be alone (though often with help) and to focus on my own personal and business objectives. Here I reconsider (and reconfirm) what matters most, what I really want to achieve, what I’m actually willing to do to get it, and how best to proceed – in the coming year. (I’m sure that many of you do something similar, at least occasionally, when you can). It’s a mini-strategic planning session – just for me, and for our firm.

This is a VIP Day – just for me, because, you know – I’m a VIP.

A few years back, I was challenged by my professional peer group (you do have one of these, right?) to offer this as a service to a few of my own best clients. 

A focused, strategic, success-driven VIP Day for an individual chief executive. 

Since then, we’ve hosted more of these, here and there, as we could fit them in. Today we call this work the VIP! Extraordinary Growth and Success Experience.

Honestly, these VIP experiences are some of the most fun, engaging, and personally enriching days on our calendar. Most often, it’s just the two of us – working one-on-one together for a day (or two) – with a focus on strategy and action – to achieve the extraordinary. And done right, the value delivered to that executive can be off the charts, transformational.

In my career, I’ve been a part of several retreats – some good, and some less so. Honestly, most resulted in too little action, and not enough results. Our latest efforts have been different – and the difference, frankly, has been John – his experience and skill, and the process he’s used not just to facilitate the meetings, but to follow up and follow through – to help get the hard stuff done.”  (President, Architectural Firm)

Ideal candidates for our VIP! Extraordinary Growth and Success Experience are usually:

  1. A chief executive of a smaller professional firm (30 people or less, occasionally more) who is leading and managing the organization mostly alone.
  2. A chief executive of a larger organization desiring some quality advisory time to create vision and strategy – before engaging the firm’s larger leadership team.
  3. A sole proprietor, entrepreneurial founder, or executive level professional priming for a next move on their own or with others.

The scope of our VIP! Extraordinary Growth and Success Experience is flexible, but the basic program includes:

  1. A prework package for the executive (self-assessment and goals survey, foundations questionnaire, and links to resources to re-spark the growth mindset).
  2. A full-day, off-site session (at a great location) – structured for real results.
  3. An online, follow up session two weeks post, to bring the plan to life.
  4. Follow-up advisory, coaching, and implementation support (30-, 60-, and 90-day options). 

Our work is structured, but not formulaic. We tailor each program experience to the client – helping you decide, design, and deliver on your own goals and dreams – to find your own best life as an executive – and a VIP.

“A good strategist – to the point.” (President, Engineering Firm)

We’re rapidly accelerating now toward year’s end, and we’re all busy now both with wrapping the current year – and looking ahead to the next. Still, if we act together quickly – there is still time.

As of today, we have two remaining VIP! Experience opportunities open.

If you’re looking this fall to elevate your success – dialing in your 2025 plan for next level performance and impact – then click this link (right now), and a book a call this week or next, to explore a little more with us.

Let us help you get organized, move forward, and elevate to a better version of the extraordinary executive you already are.

A little Me Time. We time. VIP time.

You deserve that.

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